Pierre Franchomme has a special bond with Madagascar as he has been at the origin of the introduction in Europe of many major essential oils extracted from the Malagasy flora, such as the anti-flu Ravintsara, the analgesic Katafray, etc…
For a long time, he has been willing to share his knowledge with disadvantaged populations without access to conventional medicine, so that they can look after themselves thanks to local natural medicines.
Given the scale of healthcare needs of the population, he has focused all his efforts on Madagascar.
What we have already done
Set up a « workshop » with the representatives of the Malagasy Ministry of Health and other ministries, resulting in a ministerial decree legalizing and framing the practice of aromatherapy.
Trained sixty doctors and half a dozen traditional healers in aromatherapy (Sept. 2013 & 2014), on the topic of tropical infections ; some of them now wishing to become trainers, among them the president of the Association of Traditional Healers, strong of 2,000 members.
Created the Malagasy branch of Aromatherapy without borders (Dec 2013), which is key to the implementation of our projects locally.
Built and opened the Natural Health Center of Antisrabe * (Thanks to the ministerial authorization in April 2014) within the framework of the public primary school “Ivory”, which welcomed 1,500 pupils, plus 500 more pupils from the nearby school “Karmali”.
Organized a medical team: 2 doctors, 1 traditional healer, 1 medical anthropologist, 1 nurse, 2 nurse’s aides and 1 secretary.
Today, around 20 children a day are welcomed and taken care of at the center; they receive adapted traditional medicines free of charge, their treatment being registered on their newly created health card.
*Antsirabe is the third largest town of Madagascar with a population of about 260,000 inhabitants.